What I really wanted to touch on in this blog and what got me in the mood to write another one was the stadium talk. Don't get me wrong, I have more stadium fatigue then anyone. I could go on for pages about how you can finance it and how politics is dumb because nothing truly ever gets done. But you don't need to hear my political views. I just don't understand why people can't admit that stadiums make money, period. Building a new stadium would create jobs to build it and also the thousand of jobs it provides by having pro teams tied to it. The Vikings need people to run their organization and that means jobs locally then if the team was in LA. A new stadium would also bring a Final four, and a Superbowl to the Twin Cities. Do you know how much extra revenue that provides to the city alone? Well I don't have an exact number but I can tell you it's a lot. I don't like the argument of well don't raise taxes or have the public pay for it because it's not my stadium. To that I say have some common sense people. As I said earlier it brings in money to the state and if you worked the budget around I'm pretty sure there was already money laying around to pay for it. This isn't going to turn into a blog about fiscal responsibility, that's for another day. I still don't understand why a State run casino never gets built and brings in revenue that way. Well I do, it's because the Tribes are that powerful but how lame is that. Electronic pull tabs are a stupid idea and not really one I would consider as expanding gambling but hey whatever helps you sleep at night.
That really is more then anyone cares to know about my stadium talk as I'm sure you are all as fatigued as I am. Like I said I really could go on for hours about how stupid it is common sense doesn't win out more but I don't want this to be too political. I don't really have too much else to add, I really wanted to just stand on my stadium soap box for a minute. I do want to say thank you for everyone that has been there for me and my Bway family this last week as we lost one of our own Megan Sample. She has been on my mind everyday since last week and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for her friends and family. I figure since these blogs are my personal thoughts I would end with something that's been so much on my mind. Thanks for reading and I'm sure you will hear from me in a month or two when I want to go on some other random tangent. As always promised I will leave you with the image of the blog.

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