Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Theme songs 50-41

We have the theme songs without any words to them so today let's start up the list and talk about theme songs 50-41

50. Addams Family- What a great start to the list, you know it's going to be a great list if a theme like The Addams Family is at 50. This theme song taught us all how to snap our fingers.

49. Inspector Gadget- 90's cartoons tended to have some pretty good theme songs so I'm guessing we will see more to come.  What makes this theme song impressive is it's catchy and only has three words in it.

48. Love Boat- Theme songs that are catchy and use the words of the show title in the theme song give it much earned extra points.

47. Happy Days- This theme song told us every day was a happy day.  You can't help but smile and clap at this classic theme song.  It just makes you happy.

46. Batman- One word but so so catchy.

45. The Jetsons- A theme song that described exactly who everyone was on the show, was very helpful to the viewers.

44. Big Bang Theory- This song gets points because everyone tries to sing it but does anyone really know all the words?  It loses points however because it's sung by the Barenaked Ladies

43. Malcom in the Middle- Our first of theme songs that the song actually had a pretty good run outside the theme song.  This theme song means a little more to me because I always remember me and my brother saying you're not the boss of me now, over and over.

42. Baywatch- Not a great theme song but when watched with the video is why it's higher on the list.

41. Facts of Life- Another theme song that uses the title in the theme song which is always a plus in my eyes.

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for 31-40.

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